Attendance and Absence

Absences from School
We expect all children in school every day. If your child is going to be absent from school, you must inform the office, by 9.00 a.m. with the reason for their absence. If we do not receive either a telephone call or a StudyBugs message your child’s absence will be recorded as unauthorised and we will follow our attendance policy to ensure your child is safe.
You are strongly urged to avoid booking holidays or visits overseas during school term-time. Unless the circumstances are exceptional, all requests for Leave of Absence for holidays will be denied and the absence recorded as unauthorised.

Please note that children arriving late (i.e. after the register has closed) have to be marked as an unauthorised absent. We are required by law to keep records of unauthorised absences and report them to the Department for Education and Skills. The Education Welfare Officer regularly visits the school to inspect registers.

Feeling Sick

If your child has been sick or has had diarrhoea during the night please do not send them to school for 48 hours, however much they may want to come.On the other hand, if you think your child may have a “worry tummy/headache”, please bring them to school and leave a contact telephone number.

If a child is not feeling well, we will do our best to make the child comfortable, but it is a great help on these occasions if we can contact you easily. Please make sure we have an up-to-date contact number.

The government produces guidelines for schools on infection control. Please see the poster below to read the guidelines if you are unsure of whether your child can attend school.


If your child needs medicine to be administered at school it must be prescribed.  If possible, please see if you can time doses so that the medicine is given before and after school. If you are unable to come to school at lunchtime to administer the dose yourself, please bring the medicine to the School Office, clearly labelled with your child’s name and class and the dosage required. You will be asked to complete permission forms, enabling a member of staff to administer the medicine. Medicines will only be administered if they are sent to school in the original container with the prescription label clearly marked with the dosage. All medicines should be brought to and collected from the Office by an adult.

Useful Information:
Attendance Policy – View Here
Should I keep my child off school poster – View Here
Cambridgeshire Attendance Guide for Parents – View Here
Medication Form – View Here
Term Time Leave of Absence Request Form – View Here