Friends At Bellbird School/PTA
New parent presentation – view here
Who are we?
Friends at Bellbird School (FABS) – We are the parent/teacher association for the school; a small, dedicated committee of parents and staff which organize fundraising events and support school activities.
What do we do?
We run a range of events to bring together the children, families and staff and the wider community. Our priority is to raise funds to support learning and resources for all of the children in the school.
What have we done?
With the help of the committee volunteers and parents at school we have raised a fantastic amount of money. Here are some of the contributions we have made in the past years:
- Improving our library; providing books and furniture
- Workshop visits from famous authors and poets
- Performance for the whole school from outside theatre company
- New PA system for the school hall
- Swimming lessons for all children in Years 2, 4 and 6
- Cycle helmets for all new children
- New weather-proof ‘rainbow’ playground benches and tables
- Nativity costumes, glockenspiels, classroom resources
- Christmas presents & crackers for the Christmas lunch
FABs Committee Officers for 2023-2024:
Chair- Andy Irons
Treasurer – Alex Frost
Co- Secretaries –Louise Tolhurst and Alex Lovelidge
Parents: Anne Bianchi, Judi Barretto, Elly Eyers, Jeleana Feltham, Kate Gilmore, Beth Gardner, Alison Kent, Alison Kiddle, Laura Lavender, Melissa Rensburg, Pip Sparkes, Emma Stanway, Robyn Wilson-Owen, Zillah Wreghitt-Jones and Hollie Wright
The Headteacher and other members of staff attend meetings and work together with us to ensure our fundraising and spending complements the school ethos and benefits every area of school life.
You will be alerted to events through school comms, our Facebook page and also by posters around the school. You can also see plans for future events by checking the school calendar.
Online Fundraising
You can also support us to raise funds for our children with online fundraising schemes we are part of. Easyfundraising partners with over 7,500 brands like Ebay, John Lewis, Tesco, M&S and who will donate part of what you spend to the school. It won’t cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support a charity of your choice every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile will donate a portion of the purchase price when you shop to your selected charity.
Choose Friends At Bellbird School, Sawston as your selected charity at AmazonSmile:
It is available on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping App for iOS and Android phones.
Parent Support
We always welcome new faces to join our team supporting school events, for example, even if you have only an hour free to help at one of the school fairs we would love to hear from you.
We are always looking out for other fundraising ideas so if you have any suggestions, please let us know.
If you are interested to help us at an event, to join the committee or just have any comments or suggestions, please email the school office or FABS at:
Please view here for the report of activities for 2021 -22
Useful Links

School Calendar
Click her for dates for your diary