
The Governing Body of The Bellbird School has overall statutory responsibility for the school. The Headteacher has responsibility for the educational performance and daily management of the school. Governors along with the headteacher approve and support the vision and ethos of the school. They develop the strategic direction, ensuring the accountability of the headteacher for educational standards.

Minutes of Governing Body meetings are available on request via the school office: 

The Governors ensure that the school makes sound, proper effective use of its financial resources.
Matters pertaining to School’s Financial Resources can be found on the DfE School’s Financial Reporting webpage view here.

The Governing Body is made up from parents, staff, Local Authority and co-opted governors.

All Governors except the Headteacher are appointed for a 4 year term.  All Governors attend the Full Governing Body meeting which meet twice a term.  Most Governors also attend a relevant sub-committee eg.  Resources and Partnerships, Health & Safety or School Standards.

Governors visit the schools to view the implementation of various policies and procedures, to gain insight on the daily life of the school and to review the delivery of good teaching & learning.

If you wish to contact any of the Governor’s or have a general question please click here and your email will be forwarded to the appropriate Governor.   If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors please use the contact form on this website.

The Bellbird school Governors- here

Governor attendance at 2021/22 committee meetings can be viewed here

Governor attendance at 2020/21 committee meetings can be viewed here

Governor attendance at 2022/23 committee meetings can be viewed here



The DFE has issued guidance about collecting and publishing diversity information relating to Governing bodies however it is not statutory. The Bellbird Governing body have sought initial information as a non statutory task and information was collated which shows that, of those who submitted, The Bellbirds Governing Body is:

90% White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British

10% Black, Black British, Caribbean or African: Any other Black, Black British, or Caribbean background

The Bellbird Governing Body is committed to promoting and celebrating diversity and will continue to review this work and extend diversity information collecting in line with DFE guidance and statutory requirements.


Governor Reports

Governor Body meetings occur twice each term.  Each Governor is linked into a particular aspect of school life, e.g. teaching and learning subject area, assessment, property, finance, e-safety etc.  The Governors also convene with working parties on current issues.

2020/21 Annual Governors Report – View PDF

2021/22 Annual Governors report – View pdf

2022/23 Annual Governors report – View PDF

Instrument of Government – view pdf


Complaint procedures: At The Bellbird Primary School we feel that we would be able to listen and answer any reasonable request or concern you or your child may have during their time at the school. However, we also  recognise that on a very few occasions when an answer or solution cannot be reasonably dealt with by either the class teacher or Headteacher then a formal complaints procedure will need to be entered into. Please view the documents below for information you might need to follow the complaints procedure. Complaints leaflet – view PDF Complaints procedure – view PDF


covid 19

Covid19 – Risk Assessment –  here

The School continually  reviews the covid-19 risk assessment to ensure the safety of staff and pupils to allow the education of pupils to continue.



Governor code of conduct – view PDF

Governor expenses policy – view PDF

Governor induction policy –view PDF

Governor visits – code of conduct – View PDF

New Governor notes – view PDF

Privacy Notice for Governors and Volunteers – view here


Disclosure of Business Interests and Staff payments

The Governors report that there is no employee whose gross annual salary is above £100,000.00

The Governors have disclosure the following pertinent  business & relational interests.

Governor: Mr John Rimell Interest: Employee – Cambridge University Press
Governor: Mr Andrew Irons Interest: Spouse of School Employee
Governor: Dr Kate Graham Interest: Employee – Abzena (Science Company)
Governor: Dr. Tim Wreghitt Interest: Employee – Cambridge University Press
Member of local Charity – The Challis Trust
Governor: Ms Florence Roegiers Interest: Employee – Lloyds Banking Group/Bidwell Estate Agent


Parent Survey

View the results of the 2021 survey sent to parents and the feedback received. –  view pdf