Our School Day
The Bellbird Primary School Day
The school days starts for all children at 8:45am. It ends at 3:15pm for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. For years 3-6, the school day ends at 3:20pm.
8:45 am
Side gates are opened by a teacher, one for Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 and one for Key Stage 2.
A member of the senior leadership team will stay by the gate and welcome the children to school.
Children go directly to their classroom, self register and learning begins.
8:55 am
Side gates are locked and the official school day begins. Any children who have missed being welcomed, come into school by the School Office and are taken to their classes by a member of the admin team.
10:20 -10:40am KS1 Playtime
10:50 -11:10am KS2 Playtime
12:00 – 1:00 pm Foundation Stage and KS1 lunch and playtime
Key Stage One classes have a 10 minute playtime in the afternoon.
12:15 – 1:15pm KS2 lunch and playtime
3:15pm End of school for Foundation and Key Stage 1 children
3:20pm End of school for Key Stage 2 children
Useful Links

School Calendar
Click her for dates for your diary