Remote Education
Remote Education
This page is for children who are required to remain at home. These tasks are not for children who are unwell (covid-19 or any other illness), who should obviously be resting until they are well. They can access these resources until they are able to return to school.
If your child is at home you will find learning tasks for them to complete on this page. Each year group’s lessons and activities include content they are currently covering in school, whilst also allowing for some choice to help you to engage and keep your child motivated to learn at home. Content will be updated throughout the term.
Please click on the link for your child’s year group. (You can also find this term’s Topic Web and Home Learning on your child’s class page)
Robins Class – link here
Wrens Class – link here
Year 6 additional information –
We have set the isolation home learning for year six children via Purple Mash. These activities have been set as 2Dos. These activities are only to be completed if your child is isolating due to Covid-19. There are a range of maths, English, grammar, computing and reading activities to complete. The children will also have access to maths lessons through White Rose. On the Purple Mash Sharing section (Owls and Eagles Remote Learning Blog), we have included some extra links to further grammar and art activities your child can complete if they are well enough whilst isolating.
A few things to consider when getting started:
*As was the case in lockdown please do what you can with your child and take breaks as needed to ensure they can do their best.
*Quality not quantity is the most important thing for your child’s learning. Taking longer and fully understanding one maths lesson is better than watching 3 or 4 lessons but not being able to complete the tasks independently at the end.
*You may find an agreed plan of what will be done each day helps your child. Consider letting your child chose what order to complete tasks in so they have some control.
These plans have been submitted to and signed off by the Local Authority (as the responsible body) confirming that the school’s plans for remote learning are consistent with the legal requirements set out by the Department for Education.
Useful Links

School Calendar
Click her for dates for your diary