Welcome to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) area of our website.
Our SEND information Report 2024-25
This co-produced report outlines information on:
- What is the local offer?
- How do we identify Special Educational Needs?
- How do we assess and measure progress?
- Provision for Special Educational Needs at The Bellbird.
- How do we support children’s social and emotional development?
- Who should I talk to about my child’s Special Educational Needs?
- Transition
Our information report is interactive. Some of the elements are post it notes. Please click through each one to learn more.
Our SEND Padlet
To view a wealth of special educational needs, inclusion and family support information, please click on our padlet below.
We hope this tool provides you with up to date information as well as signposting you to support that is available.
At The Bellbird we use our best endeavours to cater for the needs of children with SEND. Adjustments are made according to a child’s disability.
Staff responsible for SEND –
SENDCo – Mrs Frances Waddingham.
Deputy SENDCo – Mrs Laura Klimke
SEND Governor – Emma Mba and Cynthia Okpokiri.
Admission of children with SEND –
Steps are taken to ensure the School’s admission process is fair and equitable to all pupils. This School will not discriminate against children with SEND in the arrangements it makes for determining admission.
Children with statements of Special Educational Needs/EHCPs will be admitted unless through the consultation process it is demonstrated that:
- It would be unsuitable for the age, ability, aptitude or SEN of the child or young person, or
- The attendance of the child or young person there would be incompatible with the efficient education of others, or the efficient use of resources.
Further information
The documents below provide further information.
- The SEND policy (N.B this will now be updated yearly) – here
- Our Equality Policy – here
- Accessibility Plan – here
- The Medicines Policy –here
The document below provides further information.
Useful Links

School Calendar
Click her for dates for your diary