School Events

Welcome to our School Events Page
For term dates please see here

We will endeavour to update this page regularly so that everyone is aware of the many and varied events we hold throughout the academic year for our children, parents and the wider community.

We believe that it is important to instil our children with a sense of community. Over the course of the year we ensure there are opportunities to connect with our local community and come together as a school to mark special moments. Some events happen every year such as School discos, parent evenings, sports day, Harvest Festival, Christmas and end of year productions, Christmas and Summer Fairs, whereas others, are ‘one off events’.

Upcoming Events:

19th / 20th June – Visit from the fantastic author and illustrator,  James Mayhew. He will be working with children in year 1 and 2 exploring his fabulous book “Once Upon a Tune”.

5th July – Summer Fair

8th – 12th July – “What a Wonderful World” week. Children across the school will be learning about different parts of the world, with a special focus on the different styles and genres of music.

10th July – Visit from “Shake, Rattle and Roll” music group.

12th July – Music concert for choir and instrumentalists.

1st / 2nd July – Year 6 performance of “Let the Games Begin”

16th July – Year 6 leaver’s BBQ

18th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly

Past Events

Every year a panto comes to visit us… “Oh yes it does!”

Children in year 5 performed at Saffron Hall and West Road with The Perse.

Choir’s trip to O2 “Young Voices” concert



In the event of snow or critical incidents – view pdf