Year 4 – Swifts & Nightingales


Welcome to Swifts Class

In Swifts class this autumn we are looking forward to beginning our new topic the Ancient Maya Civilisation which will inspire our writing across the curriculum and our artwork.  In topic we will learn about the lives of the ancient Maya, the legacy of their city states, their trading connections with Britain and their role in introducing the cacao bean to western Europe.

During the term we hope to be able to take some of our learning outside to enjoy the nature and environment available here at The Bellbird before the cold weather takes over.


Summer 2024- Topic Web- here

Summer 2024- Homework menu – here

Spring 2024- Topic Web – here

Spring Term 2024 – Homework menu- here

Autumn term 2023 – Topic web –here

Summer term 2023 – Topic web – here

Summer term 2023 – Homework menu – here

Spring term 2023 – Topic web – here

Spring term 2023 – Homework menu – here

Autumn 2022 – ‘Meet the Teacher’ presentation – here


Welcome to Nightingales class.

Have you ever heard the saying ” You should never judge a book by its cover”? Well, the common Nightingale is just like a book. Its outside is very plain, but you’ll be very surprised when you hear it sing.

Like the Nightingale, we have many talents. We are hard working learners, who never give up. We are thoughtful and kind, helping each other to soar. As active learners, we like to ask questions and challenge ideas.

This year we will be exploring the topics of Ancient Mayan Civilisation, Anglo Saxons and Ancient Egypt.

Spelling are given out every Friday and tested the following Friday. New mathletics activities are set every Friday too.


Summer Term 2024 – Topic Web – here 

Summer Term 2024 – Homework menu – here

Spring Term 2024 – Topic Web – here

Spring Term 2024 – Homework menu- here

Autumn term 2023 – Topic web –here

Summer term 2023 – Topic web – here

Summer term 2023 – Homework menu – here

Spring term 2023 – Topic web – here

Spring term 2023 – Homework menu – here

Autumn 2022 – ‘Meet the Teacher’ presentation – here